Network Golf

Adding some serious value to your Golf Membership

Please note: Network Golf Cards will only be allowed access to the course from 2.00pm whilst tee times are restricted due to covid 19. Thank you for your understanding.

The Golf Club Network was set up by a group of forward-thinking and like-minded golf clubs that understand that today’s golf market is very different to what it once was, nowadays golfers want more freedom to play a variety of courses and retain a membership of the club they love, it was obvious that financially this would not be viable for many golfers so The Golf Club Network was formed. 

 It is designed to give you, the golfer, the best of both worlds, you can be a member of the club you love and play at many other courses without breaking the bank.

To take advantage of this great offer purchase your Network Golf card from the pro shop for just £10. (lasts for 12 months)

For more information and Terms and Conditions visit

Terms & Conditions of Membership

1. To be eligible to arrange a round of golf under this arrangement the Member must be a fully paid up 5 or 7 Day annual fee paying playing member of their Club (referred to in this agreement as “Club Members”). Junior, Intermediate, Social, Country, Overseas, “Lifestyle” or any other type of Membership categories do not qualify.

2. Club Members are entitled to play up to 5 rounds in one agreement year at any of the reciprocal Clubs. These rounds will be free of any Green Fee charge on weekdays and charged at members’ guest rates on Bank Holidays and Weekends.

3. Club Members, when playing at a Network Club, are entitled to introduce 3 guests at the appropriate members guest green fee rate charged by the host club.

4. Club Members are not entitled to a free round under these arrangements if they are playing as part of a golf society or group booking.

5. Club Members must contact the reciprocal Club at least a day in advance and no earlier than 7 days in advance of the day on which they would like to play in order to make the appropriate arrangements and in accordance with the host club booking conditions and announce they are Golf Network members at the start of the booking.

6. Each Club has the right to restrict access to their course under these reciprocal arrangements on any given day. Each Club may restrict the times of day at which Club Members will be allowed to play and to restrict the number of Club Members permitted to play under these reciprocal arrangements during any given day and without prior notice.

7. Club Members must obtain a PhotoID Membership Card (with passport size photograph) from their own club at a cost of £10, Membership Cards can be issued for a maximum period of 12 months, must have an expiry date and membership category (5/7 Day) and can only be used by the card holder. The issuing of Membership Cards to individual members is at the discretion of the home club.

8. Club Members must show the host club their PhotoID Membership Card on the day of play. The host club have the right to telephone the reciprocal Club to confirm the names and membership category of the visiting members.

9. This reciprocal agreement offers an important benefit to Club Members and it is in the interest of all Clubs that visiting members are encouraged to use the host Club’s facilities, whether it is the catering service, bar service or driving range.

10. Visiting Club Members and their guests must obey the host Club’s Rules, including Dress Code, Etiquette and Byelaws at all times.

join us at Cleobury Mortimer golf club

A friendly and welcoming approach to golf, Cleobury Mortimer Golf Club provides just about everything to satisfy the modern day golfer, their families and their friends.